Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Purpose of this Blog

In this blog I intend to share ways of bringing sunshine into life even on rainy days.  I have always been blessed with a happy heart but sometimes life can just be a bummer and if you don't have some sunshine stored up, you can spiral to a dark place.  I have little tips that help me on a daily basis.  Some things are obvious and some will just change your perspective.  I hope the things I have learned will be helpful to you.
So my first tip is to be nice to yourself.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER talk about yourself in a negative way.  Focus on your strengths, not your flaws.  Even when looking in the mirror, just find the things you like.  Some days it's tougher than others, so on those days-don't look in mirrors!  It always helps to find things you're grateful for.  One of my favorite videos is "Jessica's Daily Affirmations".   I love how she says, "I can do anything good."

She is an inspiration.  Who can doubt that she has lots of GOOD DAYS. Maybe because she tells herself she can.  Also gratitude goes a long way in helping us be happier.

You will see throughout this blog that my faith in God and Jesus Christ play a big role in my life.  I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is an amazing religion and I can answer any questions you have for me about it.
I also have a wonderful family.  I've been married 25 years and have 4 kids and so far one adorable granddaughter.

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