Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Favorites-one of Natalie's favorite memories

So one of my good friends just passed away and I was thinking of a favorite memory of hers that she shared with me and how much I would love to see it.

She traveled on business to Washington DC (probably sometime in the early 80's) and had arrived late at night and was so tired she went right to sleep at her hotel.

  When she opened the window in her hotel room in the morning, she was surprised by the beautiful pink blossoms. It was Spring and the cherry blossoms were in full splendor.  Her favorite color is pink and I think because she wasn't expecting it, the impact was unforgettable.

I bet she just stared out the window for a long while.  That's what I would do.  Then I would have to get out there and walk under them and smell their wonderful fragrance.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Tips & Tricks-PVC indoor playhouse

PVC playhouse, just add sheets! Oh my word!

Isn't this a fantastic idea?  Indoor playhouse made of PVC pipes…just add sheets.

I think my husband and son-in-law could figure out how to make one of these…

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday miTunes-Because We Believe by Andrea Bocelli

I like this video on Youtube because it has the translation from the Italian parts to the song.  I like the lyrics even more than I did before.  it was originally sung at the 2006 closing ceremonies of the Olympics, but I think of it as a pep talk for our lives on earth.  Especially the part that says "we were born to shine…all of here because we believe."  We were spirits in heaven who believed in Jesus Christ  and that he would fulfill the Father's plan and provide the way for us to succeed here.  Those who did not believe did not get to come to earth, but were cast out of heaven, along with Lucifer.  I like that it says "there are those who believe in you" and for us not to give up.  I know there are angels watching over us and cheering us on in our challenges and triumphs.  And I know that through Jesus Christ, we WILL win.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday messages-God's Greatest creation

We are His greatest creation.  We are amazing.   The tiny miraculous workings inside us bear testimony that we must have been created by Him.  He loves us and wants us to be happy in this life.  He wants us to have immortality and Eternal life.  When we are separated from our body awaiting the resurrection, we will long for our body again.  Then when we are resurrected and have a perfected body, we will appreciate this great gift even more.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Blessings-a New Day

I am so grateful for each new day.  It is a chance to start fresh.  When the sun comes up, it reminds me that the day can be anything I make of it.  Even if yesterday was sad, annoying, depressing, hard, exhausting or whatever.  Today is what I make of it.  What a great blessing we have to be able to rest from our cares at night and see things clearer and brighter and happier.  Even if clouds block the sun, I can still make it a good day.  I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for a 24 hour day and the faith that tomorrow I will have another.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Favorites-Frozen line that made me smile

Frozen frozen frozen <3
This perfectly describes my granddaughter.  She doesn't want to miss anything and seems to prefer playing to sleeping.  Even when she is so tired, you can see her eyes drooping, she fights it.  She's also very cute and spunky, just like Anna in the movie Frozen.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday miTunes-Best Years of Our Lives by Baha Men

Okay, it's an old song, but whenever I hear it I feel like dancing.  It's such a  fun, catchy song and has an island party feel.  Sometimes, we just need to let loose and dance, even if it's while nobody else is around.  At first, you might feel a bit silly, but just try it and soon you'll feel better and better.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday messages-getting out of debt

                     5 Simple Ways to get out of debt 

I said simple, but not necessarily easy.  If you have been living a certain lifestyle, you may need to change how you do things.  Someone once said, "to have what you've never had, you have to do what you've never done."  In this case, to have some financial security, you have to change the way you handle your money.  So here are my personal recommendations to start you on your way:

1.  STOP using credit cards and get the ones you have a balance on paid off.  To do this, pay off the one with the highest interest rate first.  Hint: pay as much over the minimum as you can.  When that card is paid off, work on the one with next highest interest rate and so on, until they are all paid off.  DON'T buy anything on credit unless it's an emergency.

2.  Make a reasonable budget and STICK TO IT.  If you don't make that much money, you can't spend as much.  It's not as important to make more money as it is to make the most of what you have.  Whether you decide to keep your spending money in envelopes or just keep a ledger of where you stand in each category, just make sure you don't go over your budget.  Also, put a little bit in savings every month.

3.  Shop smarter by using coupons, shopping consignment stores, thrift stores and store sales.   Be creative with your entertainment and limit eating out.  Take a lunch if you work, instead of eating out.  Go see a High School play or concert.  Or go hiking and on a picnic.

4.  Sell some things you don't use or need.  Consign your designer clothes and jewelry.  Have a garage sale.  Post large or valuable items on the internet.  Return things with the tags still on that you haven't used.

5.  For drastic measures (and to get out of debt faster) Cancel cable, shop around for cheaper insurance rates, cell phone plans,  internet and trash removal.  You could even cancel your landline phone and just use cell phones.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Blessings-Employment

Today and every day for the last few years, I am grateful for my husband's income.  He works so hard for our family and has been unemployed several times over the years. But since being unemployed in 2009-10 for 8 months and then 3 more months a year later, I have gained a greater appreciation for the blessing of having a good job.  Whenever I pray for our dinner, I say that I am "grateful for the food and the income that provides it" and ask for a blessing on it.  It was a difficult time and was so hard to go through.  But we had worked many years building our savings and staying out of debt, so other than some help with groceries, we made it through without using credit cards and without losing our home.  We always paid tithing (10% donation to our church) and we feel like we were also blessed because of that.  We are so grateful for the blessing of employment.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Favorites-Easy pulled pork dinner

Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Coleslaw

I cooked the pork 4-6 hours in the crockpot with Root Beer-that's the only other ingredient.  It gives it such a rich flavor.  Then drained the juice and added BBQ sauce.  (Cattleman's Barbecue Sauce is our favorite).  The coleslaw is from KFC (Come on, you know theirs is the best).  We also found Sweet Potato Bites at the grocery store in the frozen section and they are good and a bit healthier.  It's a quick and easy dinner and tastes GREAT too.  I have also made the pork roast without barbecue sauce and served it with rice, which is also easy and everyone loved it.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday Tips & Tricks-Wipes containers

Turn a Clorox wipe container into a grocery bag dispenser! Great to have trash bags in the car.

Use old wipes containers to store grocery bags.  Put one in the car.  I am always needing one when I'm on the go and since I've done it, I've used them even more.  I may have to put 2 in there.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday miTunes-Whole Wide World

This song by Mindy Gledhill is a great running song.  I feel really motivated when I hear her sing, "I'm gonna run right up this hill, summer sky or winter chill.  If I gotta take a break, I will..."  I love that she thinks like I do and I also give myself permission to take a break.  The rest of the song has a good message too.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Messages-Daily Bread

Daily Bread: Pattern (2:51) | Mormon Messages
Just as we need daily physical sustenance, the need for daily spiritual sustenance is just as strong. We can remember Jesus Christ every day as we pray, read the scriptures, and meditate.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Blessings-learning little by little

I am grateful today to learn a little at a time and build on the things I know.  In the doctrine and Covenants section 93, it tells that John the Revelator saw that Jesus Christ "learned grace by grace" and later in the section it says that we too learn in the same way.  What great wisdom there is in our Heavenly Father teaching us this way.  Many things in His gospel teach us where we are.  In other words, the same talk or lesson will speak to us and the spirit will teach us to the degree that we are ready and willing to take in.  Sometimes teaching us things not even mentioned in that particular talk or lesson, but more like a personal lesson using that talk or lesson as a springboard.  The best example is in attending the temple, where we hear the same words every time, but as we grow spiritually, we receive greater knowledge.  Also, as we are seeking knowledge, it seems to come more easily.  Then, looking back on all I didn't know, I realize what a blessing it was for me to learn one thing at a time and build on itself.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Favorites-January

Okay, I don't think I've ever felt like January could be a favorite, but I am trying harder to look for the good in everything around me.  So.....what's to like about January?  Well, it's a fresh start, so that's always a good thing.  I like new beginnings and the anticipation of things, so I like to think about what this year will bring.  It's only the 7th and I'm done with snow, but since it can't be Spring yet, I do like the way it covers the brown and deadness in a beautiful blanket of white. For some reason, organizing is a focus in January and I love organizing, so there's one more thing to like about January.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wacky Wednesday- last words

shopping quotes | Quotes |
My friend who just passed away would have found this hilarious.  But in reality, I want to be like her and give almost all of it away during my life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday miTunes-100 Years by Five for Fighting

The reason I like this song is that it reminds how fast time moves on and before I know I'll be as old as my grandma.  When he says "...fifteen there's still time for you..." I think of when I was fifteen or 20 or 30 and all the fond memories and things I loved about that age.  I have the memories and by and large they are all good.  Even the tough ages are times I learned a lot, mostly about myself.  For example, when I was fifteen, I thought the most important thing was to be thin, tan and rich.  I did some crazy diets, including a lengthy fast where I only drank water for 2 and a half days.  I thought I was so smart for sunbathing incrementally longer periods of time so I didn't get sunburned.  I hid money in my sock drawer, but never had much income at that age.  And mostly I thought Sixteen would be the magical age when I could drive and date and have a real job.  I've learned how superficial I used to be and try now to enjoy whatever age I am in.  Right now I am 45.  And I know from experience that the years pass sooner and sooner every year.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Blessings-My Turn on Earth

Well, those who remember the old LDS play will know what I'm referring to.  But I am grateful today for my own turn on earth.  When those close to us pass away, we tend to think more on our own mortality.  I am also grateful to have such great knowledge of the burning questions:
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
Where am I going after I die?

I have been taught since I was young and have gained a testimony of the answers to these questions.  But there are still details I wish I knew.  The music from "My Turn on Earth" has given me a lot of comfort and guidance.  My favorite song is the title song with the following lyrics:

My Turn lyrics by Carol Lynn Pearson
Words: Carol Lynn Pearson Music: Lex de Azevedo

The world turns round like a merry go round.
It lets some off and it takes some on.
Some horses are high and some horses are low.
Some turns are short and some turns are long.
My turn, it's my turn.
It ends with death it begins with birth
And it's my turn, it's my turn,
It's my turn on earth.

Well never mind just how long you stay,
The size or shade of the hourse you've got.
Just see all the sights and hear all the sounds
And feel the sun, and you'll learn a lot.

The world turns round like a Ferris wheel.
Some times you're low and sometimes you're high.
But even way down you can never forget
The thrill you feel when you're touchin' the sky.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday Favorites-my favorite colors

Ocean collage
Beach cottage inspiration
My favorite colors are the colors of the beach.  They are so soothing and calming.  Someday I want to have a cottage by the sea and will decorate with all these colors and I'll take long walks on the beach every day.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday Tips & Tricks-goals

I got this off Pinterest-of course.  But I like it.  The only thing I would change is more "water" instead of tea.  I am not big on dieting, which is the most common goal.  But I do plan to eat healthier and work out consistently.  Another goal I have is reading scriptures and saying more meaningful prayers.
They say that you should share your goals with a friend so you're more likely to be accountable, but for me, I feel like promises I make to myself are just as binding.  My biggest problem is staying focused on the goals, so I think I will print these out and post it on my mirror or in my closet where I will see it every morning.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

As I ponder new beginnings and the new year, I am thinking mostly today of one of my very best friends who passed away this morning.  She was 82 and lived a great life and declined quickly in just the past few days to the point that I knew I needed to spend the day with her yesterday.  Even throughout the day I saw the steep decline and was not surprised that she passed this morning.   Now she on to a new beginning of her own.  I know she is in the world of spirits and oh, how she is loving the reunions.  I know she was ready to go and I know she will be waiting to greet me when I pass on.  And I know she will be an angel to me if I should ever need her to be.  I love her and miss friend Natalie.