Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Independence Day and Patriotism

So tomorrow is Independence Day.  Growing up, my family was pretty patriotic.  As I have thought about what being patriotic means, I have come to a couple of conclusions.
First, it is not a "we're the best" attitude.  Sometimes people think being obnoxiously proud of your country and putting other countries down shows patriotism.  I think it shows your arrogance and small-mindedness.  True patriotism I believe is a gratitude and respect for those who have sacrificed to make your country what it is.  We should honor those who fought for our independence so long ago and not dwell on the "winning" part of the Revolutionary War, but instead realize that we were so inadequately prepared to fight the strong and large British Army, that we must have had some divine help.  We should be grateful, respectful, humble, generous, charitable, and remember 'in God we trust.'  We should vote and uphold those laws that our country was founded on.  No, our government is not perfect, but we should work within those laws to fight corruption and keep things in check.
Secondly, we should treat our flag with respect because of all it represents.  We put our hand on our hearts or salute it.  We don't let it touch the ground.  We display it as a sign of patriotism.  Most of all we appreciate that it represents many blessings, privileges and liberties that so many have fought for and many others died for.  I love this country, not in an arrogant way, but with a very grateful heart.

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