Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Blessings-missionaries

Today I am thinking about missionaries.  Last Sunday I spoke at a baptism of a couple who has only been meeting with the missionaries for a few weeks.  I was privileged to go on one of the first lessons with them.  Also, my second son is preparing for his own mission and I am so proud of him.  Thirdly, I am grateful for the missionaries who converted my ancestors and those who persisted with my husband's family.  Theirs is a great story.
My mother-in-law was a devout baptist and when a big mormon family moved in next door she went to convert them.  The missionaries came to talk to her about the LDS church, but it was the day before my father-in-law was being deployed with the Navy and he did not take kindly to them taking up his time that day and told them to leave.  They were persistent and were forcibly removed from the porch by my father-in-law.  After a few weeks they got up the courage to come back and my mother-in-law let them in because she felt bad about the previous incident.  She felt the spirit so strongly and committed to get baptized if her husband agreed to it.  She wrote to him on board the aircraft carrier and he started meeting with the LDS group on board.  He gave her his blessing and also felt the spirit and was baptized when the ship went in to port in Japan.  They went to the temple later and were sealed together and are one of the most committed couples to each other you could ever meet.  They have sent 4 boys on missions and so far 6 grandsons.  Missionaries bring people happiness by bringing them closer to God.

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