Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Blessings-Job

In studying about Job this week, I realize that sometimes bad things happen to those who are righteous.  It may be a natural consequence of living in an imperfect world, it may be from someone else's choices or it might just be a trial designed to help us grow in faith and be able to be a strength to others as they see us stay faithful and cheerful through them.
I liked that one of the quotes was from President Kimball who was asked why those who build the kingdom of God the least seem to prosper the most?  He answered, "...the books are not balanced daily, but at harvest time."  All will come out fair and just in the end.
Plus, there is a line in "How Firm a Foundation" that says "...and sanctify to thee thy deepest distress."  To me, this means that in the end we will realize that our trials made us stronger spiritually, brought us closer to the Savior because we relied on the atonement, and are part of who we have become.  Almost like battle scars that the warrior proudly bears.
Anyway, I appreciate Job because of his great patience and how he never seemed to lose faith in God, but held out faithful until the end.

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