I love sunshine. It represents light, truth, happiness and all good things. Monday Messages, Tuesday miTunes, Wacky Wednesday, Tips & Tricks Thursday, Friday Favorites, Saturday quotes and Sunday Blessings will all be something uplifting and helpful either right now or on a future rainy day.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Monday Messages-The other prodigal son
This is such a great message. For me, I have often felt sympathy for the other prodigal son. The one who was always faithful and who didn't go off and follow the "ways of the world." But over the years, I have realized that we are all lost in some ways. None of us are perfect. We all need forgiveness. And those who have been faithful (or who are at least trying to be faithful) have blessings that others do not have. If we are of the 99 sheep, we are safe. Not only should we not be jealous of the Christ, the Good Shepherd, going after the one sheep who is lost, but we should also reach out to the lost sheep. With some lost sheep it is easier for me to reach out. This talk by Elder Holland helps me understand that we are all children of God and He loves each one of us, no matter how much we've squandered our inheritance and no matter if we are like the other prodigal who is envious and prideful and unforgiving at first.
I think about this parable all the time. Thanks for sharing!