So I grew up mostly in San Diego, which is a beautiful place year round. It was a place where weather did not play as big a part in daily activities. The weather people must be bored reporting nearly the same temps and conditions all the time. I remember that often they reported on weather around the country more than in our own area. But living in Colorado for the past 12 years, I now can appreciate the nicer weather days, where before I didn't even give it a second thought. I still don't like winters much here, but at least it's often sunny even when it's really cold. But because the trees and grass and flowers all look so dead and brown, I look at the grass in spring and have thought that the grass in San Diego was never THAT green. The trees never blossomed like I have seen here. I wonder if going dormant brings out a more brilliant color or if my perspective has changed and I am just appreciating it more and the contrast is greater. In either case, I think experiencing true winters has been good for me. And I also am glad that it melts quickly most of the time. 
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