I love sunshine. It represents light, truth, happiness and all good things. Monday Messages, Tuesday miTunes, Wacky Wednesday, Tips & Tricks Thursday, Friday Favorites, Saturday quotes and Sunday Blessings will all be something uplifting and helpful either right now or on a future rainy day.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday Messages-Make me a spoon (an object lesson)
Make Me A Spoon
Did you ever compare your Christian service to silverware? All silverware is made to serve, but the different pieces serve in different ways.
Knives cut. "Too big," says the knife. Slice. Cut. Chop. Dice. Everything must change its shape to satisfy the whim of the knife. Nothing is right as it is. Everything needs paring down, carving or separating.
Spoons serve: cereal, soup, peas -- all the impossible foods can be handled comfortably from the
smooth bowl of the spoon. Spoons say, "Here, let me help you. We can manage together."
smooth bowl of the spoon. Spoons say, "Here, let me help you. We can manage together."
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday Blessings-Serving
This past week, I was at the grocery store-okay it was Christmas morning at about 11am. Safeway was the only store open (even Wal-Mart was closed) and a younger couple in front of me was trying to pay with a check and the cashier said they couldn't take it. So I asked how much they needed and they offered to put back the soda, but the cashier turned the price reader and it was only $7.09, so I paid cash for their groceries (including some flowers and the soda). They were appreciative, but the cashier was really overwhelmed and teared up. I told her I was sorry she had to work on Christmas, but she said she was glad she had been there that day to see such generosity. I was frankly more touched by her gratitude and tender heart than the people who said thank you and hurried on their way. It was such a small thing to me and I'm not sure the couple were desperate or anything. But I was so glad to see the cashier so touched and she said I made her day. I wondered later if those who work on holidays only see people in a hurry, short-tempered and more concerned with themselves. Maybe she was losing faith in people or something. Anyway, even though it was a small thing, I felt good doing good. I am grateful to be able to help those around me, even strangers.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
Friday Favorites-my favorite thing about snow
My favorite thing about snow is the quiet it brings. I also love the beauty of white covering everything, but the quiet of it is something that amazes me.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Thursday Tips & Tricks-Best advice for day after Christmas
...the day after Christmas doesn't have to be a downer. Everyone usually has the day off, so try to extend the holiday cheer by making it a simple, no stress, family day. Keep the games going. avoid the stores. Make something easy for dinner-growing up we often had Turkey Noodle Soup. Go see a movie. Play in the snow. But most of all-keep that love going. Remember that love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, always trusts, always hopes and you are sure to find that LOVE NEVER FAILS.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Tuesday miTunes-Silent Night, Hallelujah Chorus
I will miss all my favorite Christmas tunes, but they are treasured even more because I only listen to them at the Christmas Season. Music is such a wonderful part of the spirit of Christmas. Silent Night expresses the simple, calmness of the birth of Christ in the stable and the Hallelujah chorus expresses the joy of what it meant that our Savior was born.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday Messages-Celebrating the birthday of Joseph Smith
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Sunday Blessings-a man named Joseph Smith
There was a boy named Joseph Smith, who was 14 and a bit confused by all the churches and the different principles and practices they were teaching. He wanted to know which one he should join, so he attended them, read the bible and pondered what to do. While reading in the first chapter of James, verse 5, he read that "if any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God..." and Joseph was inspired to give it a try. So he went to a private place in a grove and asked. God and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told Joseph that none of the churches were right and he should join none of them. He eventually was given all the knowledge, power and authority to restore the church of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Joseph calls himself "an obscure boy" and was not seeking for fame or fortune for himself. Every credible account of his life is filled with his gentle humility and an honest desire to lead people to do good and to lead them to Christ. He was reviled and persecuted by evil men, but he never denied his vision nor did anything against the moral principles he taught.
While his story may seem fantastical, it is nonetheless true. I have personally asked God, in the same manner of fervent prayer if Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the answer I got was not a vision, but a feeling. Not an ordinary feeling, but a warmth that filled my whole soul. That warmth is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost that provides an undeniable witness that he was who he said he was, saw what he said he saw and that Joseph Smith indeed was God's prophet meant to bring back the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This man Joseph Smith was a remarkable person and I cannot wait to meet him some day and thank him for all he did. We honor him and celebrate his birth tomorrow, on December 23.
Joseph calls himself "an obscure boy" and was not seeking for fame or fortune for himself. Every credible account of his life is filled with his gentle humility and an honest desire to lead people to do good and to lead them to Christ. He was reviled and persecuted by evil men, but he never denied his vision nor did anything against the moral principles he taught.
While his story may seem fantastical, it is nonetheless true. I have personally asked God, in the same manner of fervent prayer if Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and the answer I got was not a vision, but a feeling. Not an ordinary feeling, but a warmth that filled my whole soul. That warmth is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost that provides an undeniable witness that he was who he said he was, saw what he said he saw and that Joseph Smith indeed was God's prophet meant to bring back the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This man Joseph Smith was a remarkable person and I cannot wait to meet him some day and thank him for all he did. We honor him and celebrate his birth tomorrow, on December 23.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Saturday Quotes- a snowfall kind of love
I want a snowfall kind of love...The kind that quiets the world.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Friday Favorites-My favorite Christmas picture
This is my favorite picture of Mary and Jesus. I love to hold babies this same way and cuddle them and kiss their soft cheeks. I imagine how much she must have cherished the special time when he needed her so much to take care of him and when she had him all to herself.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Thursday Tips & Tricks-breakfast casserole
Christmas morning can be hectic, but plan in advance to make a breakfast casserole the day before and then on Christmas morning you just have to pop it in the oven. I have made many different kinds from the hash brown to the bread and egg to the sweet french toast kind. All are great and there has to be at least one for your family's taste. Here's a link to a blogger with 40 different recipes to choose from. Trust me, it makes Christmas morning less stressful when there's something good to eat that was simple to make.
40 Breakfast Casseroles
40 Breakfast Casseroles
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Wacky Wednesday-Once There Was a Snowman
If you have kids, they'll love this song. It's by an LDS group called Inside Out A Capella. Actually if you have kids, you'll love this song because you'll recognize a lot of the 80's tunes. Okay, everyone will love this song.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tuesday miTunes-Piano Guys
The first video is "Angels We Have Heard On High" and is a fun video of them playing the strings on the piano as well as the keys. The sounds they make are amazing. The second video is "Carol of the Bells" and is a song to make you love the cello. All their videos are great. We spent a whole Sunday morning watching their music videos and felt a great spirit through their music.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Monday Messages-"What Shall We Give"
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sunday Blessings-simple Christmas joys
I was once told I was "simple" and it didn't seem like a compliment at the time, but I realized shortly thereafter that it was meant as a compliment. I have often thought that if I could really keep my life simple and uncomplicated, I could be much happier. I try to find joy in things that I do and when things are hectic or stressful, I have to take a deep breath and do my best to help or fix the things I have control over and let the other stuff go. At Christmas time, I try to not be in a hurry and not have cross words for those who cut me off or cut in line or push or who are just unpleasant and complaining. Sometimes I have to catch myself looking inward and I have to choose to look around. Crying children can be distracted momentarily instead of given loathing glances. Those complaining of long lines can be asked to go ahead of you, those with a heavy load can use some help, and those who are lonely could use an invitation. It is through reminding ourselves to look around and not be in a hurry that we will find more joy in the Christmas season.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Saturday Quotes-Christmas in our hearts
Getting Christmas in our heart is the key. I believe this is done (ironically) by looking outside ourselves and thinking of others and doing for others.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Friday Favorites-A favorite tradition
Let me just say though that it's way better in person to see the synchronized light displays.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Wacky Wednesday-Christmas Pickle
Honestly, I heard about this for the very first time last year. But since then, I have heard many people talk about having done this tradition for years. It seems odd to me, but I guess people love to get an ornament that looks like an actual pickle and hide it in the tree and whoever finds it, gets an extra present. Some think it's a German tradition and others claim it started in America. But in either case, it has apparently been around since the 1800's.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Tuesday miTunes-Manheim Steamroller
Nothing says Christmas like the music of Manheim Steamroller. They have every kind of song from the upbeat "Joy To the World" and "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow" to the calm and beautiful "Still, Still, Still" and "The Holly and the Ivy." Okay, they are all favorites, but if I had to pick 2, I would say, "Traditions of Christmas"because it paints a picture for me of a cozy fireplace and comfort and peace. Secondly, I love" Still, Still Still" because it is such a calming beautiful rendition of one of my very favorite Christmas songs. And another favorite I will share Friday.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Monday Messages-The Reason Behind Christmas
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday Blessings-the Spirit of Christmas
Some years I have a harder time getting the Christmas Spirit. The spirit of Christmas is so obviously the spirit of Christ. It is a greater love for all men. It is forgiving those who may have hurt us in any way. It is worshiping the Savior each day and doing good in His name. It is giving more compliments and looking for doors to open, packages to carry, friendly smiles and hopeful encouragement. My personal favorite service is wrapping presents for a local charity. I love wrapping anyway and they have thousands of presents to give to children in the Denver area. It is done through a church that is not always kind to our church, but they have softened over the years because of our willingness to be kind no matter what is done to us. I appreciate the example of the Public Affairs Committee who have made so many efforts in collecting canned goods for them as well as this wrapping service. And being a part of service is the BEST way to get the Spirit of Christ this Christmas.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Friday Favorites-Christmas Oranges
Usually Christmas Eve or another night before Christmas, we read the story and pass around the chocolate orange for us all to share. If you haven't read this story, it is wonderful. I don't want to ruin it for you so I won't tell you the whole thing, but it's about a girl in an orphanage and she has never had an orange and that is what she dreams of. I love the descriptions and the sweetness of friendship. Here's a slight spoiler: it always makes me cry.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thursday Tips & Tricks-Elf on the Shelf
As I mentioned yesterday, the elf itself was around when I was a kid, but I don't remember anyone making a tradition for the kids to go and find him each morning or for him to leave little treats. Even the idea of the little elf watching to report back to Santa I don't remember, but is a cute tradition for the kids. There are lots of ideas on how to make it a fun daily tradition, but there are some great tips on this blog: My Mommy Style.
I guess some people have the elf be more mischievous, but I think he is just doing his job and wouldn't get into trouble or hurt anything. And I would probably limit the focus as Christmas approaches because I like the focus to be around the Savior and the true meaning of Christmas. But I also don't mind the idea of Santa either and the Elf on the Shelf is just for fun.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Wacky Wednesday-Elf on the Shelf
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday miTunes-Mindy Gledhill Christmas songs
Mindy Gledhill is an LDS artist. She has a whole Christmas album but I have 4 favorites:
The Christmas Song-cute Ukelele accompaniment makes it original.
Christmas Waltz-a classic, but her sweet voice makes it one of my favorite versions of the song.
Little Soldier-a slow original song with a nice melody.
Winter Moon-another original song with banjo sounds and cute lyrics.
The Christmas Song-cute Ukelele accompaniment makes it original.
Christmas Waltz-a classic, but her sweet voice makes it one of my favorite versions of the song.
Little Soldier-a slow original song with a nice melody.
Winter Moon-another original song with banjo sounds and cute lyrics.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday Messages-Experiencing Winter
So I grew up mostly in San Diego, which is a beautiful place year round. It was a place where weather did not play as big a part in daily activities. The weather people must be bored reporting nearly the same temps and conditions all the time. I remember that often they reported on weather around the country more than in our own area. But living in Colorado for the past 12 years, I now can appreciate the nicer weather days, where before I didn't even give it a second thought. I still don't like winters much here, but at least it's often sunny even when it's really cold. But because the trees and grass and flowers all look so dead and brown, I look at the grass in spring and have thought that the grass in San Diego was never THAT green. The trees never blossomed like I have seen here. I wonder if going dormant brings out a more brilliant color or if my perspective has changed and I am just appreciating it more and the contrast is greater. In either case, I think experiencing true winters has been good for me. And I also am glad that it melts quickly most of the time. 
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Sunday Blessings-This time of year...
It's December 1st and today is the first day of the happiest month of the year. I love the Christmas season and the joy that seems to be in such abundance. I am so grateful that for us here in the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas falls in the winter. It helps me get through it. I think there is so much symbolism in the snow relating to Christ and the atonement. The trees and landscape are transformed by the beautiful blanket of white. Even the old leaves in the gutters and dirty streets are covered and it looks so pure and clean. The greek word for "atonement" has to do with a covering. Just as we may be barren or old or dirty, the atonement covers us with it's power and we can become pure and clean. The snow also gives nourishment to the trees and grass that are dormant. Just as the atonement can provide nourishment when we are feeling lifeless and weary. I love the color white, so that is another thing to be grateful for in the winter. Since winter in general is my least favorite season, I am so glad that Christmas is a big part of it. Another symbol-Christ should be the biggest part of every season
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