I have often said that I love my sleep and I put it right up there with breathing and eating. Ideally, I like about 8 and a half to 9 hours a night. I am so grateful for the regenerative power of sleep, both physically and mentally. I know that a loving Father provided the night time as a time of rest because He knew our bodies and spirit needed this. Studies also show that a deeper sleep is better for healing, and I know that if I have had more dreams, my sleep has been deeper. At times in our lives, sleep is sacrificed for a greater cause-new babies, girls camp, sick children, or early morning seminary. Luckily, those times don't last forever and it's possible to catch up on sleep. On the other hand, like many things, sleep can be taken to an extreme and then it is not beneficial. Sleeping longer than is needed can encourage laziness and also causes one to not be able to sleep deeply when it is time to sleep. I've noticed that the best thing to help me with a deep and profitable sleep is exercise. A good sleep will invigorate us and encourage activity. This is the fruit that will help us recognize if we are using sleep as it was intended.
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