I am grateful for the words of our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson.
So when we had General Conference, I always wonder if the prophet will have some grand revelation or some specific thing we should all do. And on Sunday morning before the prophet's time to speak, there were several who spoke on the importance of having a prophet and listening to him and following his counsel. Also, my parents live in St. George and say people are buzzing there about food storage. So that Sunday morning I thought 'ok, here it comes. They're all building up to what the prophet is about to tell the whole church. I think it's something big or important or specific.'
So I was surprised that President Monson spoke about becoming more like the Savior and walking in his paths. At first, I thought it strange that it was something so simple and general and really nothing new. As I pondered further, I thought of Naaman in the Old Testament who had leprosy and went to be cured of Elijah. When he was told to wash 7 times in the Jordan, Naaman doubted. Luckily, a servant told him that if the prophet had told him to do some great thing, he surely would have done it, instead of questioning.
So I thought that there is a reason the prophet told us to follow the paths of the Savior and strive to become more like him. If he had told me to get my 3 months of Food Storage in order (specific) or write my Congressman (over some important issue) or pack up our homes and move to Jackson, Missouri (this was the biggest thing we thought might happen when I was a kid); I would have done any of those things without question. So when the prophet tells me to follow Jesus Christ more fervently, I should really work on that.
I am grateful that I was taught this lesson and I will follow the prophet in this thing.