I love sunshine. It represents light, truth, happiness and all good things. Monday Messages, Tuesday miTunes, Wacky Wednesday, Tips & Tricks Thursday, Friday Favorites, Saturday quotes and Sunday Blessings will all be something uplifting and helpful either right now or on a future rainy day.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Tuesday miTunes-Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root
Monday, April 28, 2014
Monday Messages-Three time cancer fighter wife and mother
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sunday Blessings-Tender Mercies
One of my goals this year has been to recognize the small blessings and express gratitude for them. Last week we had a huge rainstorm come through. It rained almost a half an inch within about 2 hours and caused one of our windows to leak and then we heard dripping in our bedroom intake vent that sounded like water dripping into the attic. We are getting to the point that our roof is old enough to need replacing in the near future. But of course, this is not a good time to do it. So we waited patiently for the rain to lighten up and it seemed to stop the dripping noise. But we were still concerned, so the next day after work, my husband got up on the roof. Now, we have a second story higher roof that he needed to get up on to see if there was damage. So he got up on the first level and pulled up the ladder and leaned it from the lower level roof up to the higher level. Then he proceeded to climb up the ladder and about halfway up, the ladder slipped. All I could do was watch from the ground as he held on and the ladder slid to the rain gutter and caught there. Slowly, he got off the ladder. He still needed to look at the upper roof so our son-in-law got on the lower roof to hold the ladder for him. He made it up and down fine and also discovered no damage. It seemed like water was dripping down one of the roof vents only because it was such a downpour.
Needless to say, we were relieved both by the seemingly undamaged roof and the strength of the gutter to catch the slipping ladder with him on it. The whole incident seemed to be one big tender mercy made up of smaller ones. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord blessed us that day and continues to help us, probably in far more ways than we are even aware of.
Needless to say, we were relieved both by the seemingly undamaged roof and the strength of the gutter to catch the slipping ladder with him on it. The whole incident seemed to be one big tender mercy made up of smaller ones. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord blessed us that day and continues to help us, probably in far more ways than we are even aware of.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Saturday Quotes-We can't direct the wind...
We cannot control what is going on around us or what other people do, but when we adjust our attitude and control our tempers, we will find that the winds of challenges only make us stronger and more able to become the person we want to be. Also, we are in charge of who we become. If I could do any research study, I think it would be fascinating to study those who are able to grow up in adverse circumstances but who take charge of their lives and their destinies. If I had to guess, I would say a huge part is positive thinking and determination. President Monson is a great example of both.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Friday Favorites-romantic movie with PG rating
Okay, I know Keanu is not the greatest actor, but I thought he did okay in this movie. I really love that I can watch it over and over again and catch different little things. It's got an element of time travel, which has always intrigued me. And the best part is that it is clean-as evidenced by the PG rating. They just don't make many movies like this one.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Thursday Tips & Tricks-Use the right Onion
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Wacky Wednesday-Studio C International Relations
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Happy Easter-The Greatest of Blessings
What a wonderful celebration Easter Sunday is. It's all about the Happy Ending! I love happy endings. Not only is this the happy ending to the story of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but because of him, we all will have our own happy ending. No matter what people have said about us or done to us. No matter who picked on us or what pains we've had to bear. Even if we are put to death unjustly, we too can be comforted in the knowledge that we will yet live again. We will each rise glorious and be reunited with our precious perfected body. And we will meet all our dear loved ones again who have passed from this world. This is the happy ending of the resurrection, which is a free gift given to every person on this earth. The other part of our happy ending is that because of Christ's atonement, we can be forgiven of our sins and live with our Heavenly Father again. And with the power of the atonement in our daily lives, each day can be something of a happy ending. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and the happy ending he has made possible for me.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
Friday Favorites-Easter Story cookies
1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp. vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
zipper baggie
wooden spoon
1 cup whole pecans
1 tsp. vinegar
3 egg whites
pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
zipper baggie
wooden spoon
Preheat oven to 300 degrees (this is important to do before you start the mixing)
Place pecans in zipper baggie and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Romans soldiers.Read John 19:1-3.
Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30.
Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11.
Sprinkle a little salt into each child’s hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl.Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus’ followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27.
So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Ps. 34:8 and John 3:16.
Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God’s eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isa. 1:18 and John 3:1-3.
Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus’ body was laid. Read Matt. 27:57-60.
Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. Read Matt. 27:65-66.
GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the Oven overnight. Jesus’ followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22.
On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Easter, Jesus’ followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matt. 28:1-9.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Tuesday miTunes-Consider the Lilies by Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Monday, April 14, 2014
Monday Messages-Spiritual Traction-Elder Bednar
It was the load. It was the load of wood that provided the traction necessary for him to get out of the snow, to get back on the road, and to move forward. It was the load that enabled him to return to his family and his home.
Each of us also carries a load. Our individual load is comprised of demands and opportunities, obligations and privileges, afflictions and blessings, and options and constraints. Two guiding questions can be helpful as we periodically and prayerfully assess our load: “Is the load I am carrying producing the spiritual traction that will enable me to press forward with faith in Christ on the strait and narrow path and avoid getting stuck? Is the load I am carrying creating sufficient spiritual traction so I ultimately can return home to Heavenly Father?”
Sometimes we mistakenly may believe that happiness is the absence of a load. But bearing a load is a necessary and essential part of the plan of happiness. Because our individual load needs to generate spiritual traction, we should be careful to not haul around in our lives so many nice but unnecessary things that we are distracted and diverted from the things that truly matter most.As I have thought about my own load and how that helps me with traction, I have decided that it is those times when I am feeling burdened and weary that I rely most heavily on the Savior and my Father in Heaven. It is also at those times that I know I need most to slow down and do the important things in my life to keep me centered. It is truly a paradigm shift to see the heavy load as a blessing.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Sunday Blessings-Quiet time
With a house full of people and limited free time, I am more grateful for my quiet time. Even if it's to work on this blog or listen to uplifting music. I guess I appreciate the quiet more than I used to. I remember leaving the TV on for the company and longing to talk with other moms of small children. But today I am in a different season of my life and I can appreciate my own company. I really don't mind being alone as much as I did when I was younger. I think I'm better company for myself than I used to be. But even as I cherish my quiet moments now, I realize there may yet come another time of life when my children and grandchildren are all busy with their own lives and I may long for this time of noise and busy days. So I will still be grateful for quiet moments but not so much that I wish away the days that are NOW.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Saturday Quotes-a little too kind
I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
That to somebody’s need made me blind;
But I never have yet
Felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind.
Author unknown, in Richard L. Evans, “The Quality of Kindness,”Improvement Era, May 1960, 340.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Friday Favorites-my favorite talk from General Conference
I had several favorite talks, but this one left me feeling so hopeful and uplifted that I think it was my favorite one. And the idea of developing gratitude no matter what is happening is a powerful thing.

"Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation? In other words, I’m suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be."
Read President Uchtdorf's entire talk here.
"Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation? In other words, I’m suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be."
Read President Uchtdorf's entire talk here.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Thursday Tips & Tricks-flip wire shelves
This is of course a pinterest idea. I hate those wire shelves, but flipping them over would be a great way to store canned goods. I might even want to install wire shelves sometime. it just looks so cool.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Tuesday miTunes-Sunshine Day by the Brady Bunch
I loved the Brady Bunch. This was an episode in 1973 where the kids appeared on a TV show. It may be a little corny, but it brings back memories and makes me smile.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Monday Messages- spiritual whirlwinds
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Sunday Blessings-faith amidst the whirlwinds
I am grateful for Elder Neil L. Anderson's talk in our LDS General Conference Saturday morning. He talked about the whirlwinds of our day that are increasing and how we can overcome them. Reading the Book of Mormon will help. He mentioned my favorite scripture in the Book of Mormon.
Helaman 5:12
12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Saturday Quotes-Oh how we need each other
This talk was amazing. She said everything I have been thinking lately. Read the whole talk by Bonnie Oscarson here.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Friday Favorites-Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
This has to be one of my favorite movies as a child. Back in the days when we waited for certain movies to air once a year on television. "The Sound of Music," "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" were my personal favorites. I also remember watching "The Poseidon Adventure" and "The Ten Commandments", "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World," "The Great Race" and any Disney movie.
But from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I remember being terrified of the Child Catcher. He was pure evil. My favorite part is the music box. Here's a clip:
But from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I remember being terrified of the Child Catcher. He was pure evil. My favorite part is the music box. Here's a clip:
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Thursday Tips & Tricks-Wooden spoon over pot

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Wacky Wednesday-the internet
Not totally true for me. I am not on the internet every free chance I get. Nor do I feel like I'm never going to reach my life's goals. But I did think it was funny.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Tuesday miTunes-Mormon Tabernacle Choir, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"
My favorite line from this song is..."Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. He to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, oh take and seal it. Seal it to thy courts above...."
It speaks to us all, because none of are perfect and have wondered away at times or are wandering now. I love that Jesus seeks us and paid the price for our sins and all he wants in return is our desire to do good continually and have no more desires to do evil. It is something to continually strive for.
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