5 Simple Ways to get out of debt
I said simple, but not necessarily easy. If you have been living a certain lifestyle, you may need to change how you do things. Someone once said, "to have what you've never had, you have to do what you've never done." In this case, to have some financial security, you have to change the way you handle your money. So here are my personal recommendations to start you on your way:
STOP using credit cards and get the ones you have a balance on paid off. To do this, pay off the one with the highest interest rate first. Hint: pay as much over the minimum as you can. When that card is paid off, work on the one with next highest interest rate and so on, until they are all paid off. DON'T buy anything on credit unless it's an emergency.
Make a reasonable budget and STICK TO IT. If you don't make that much money, you can't spend as much. It's not as important to make more money as it is to make the most of what you have. Whether you decide to keep your spending money in envelopes or just keep a ledger of where you stand in each category, just make sure you don't go over your budget. Also, put a little bit in savings every month.
Shop smarter by using coupons, shopping consignment stores, thrift stores and store sales. Be creative with your entertainment and limit eating out. Take a lunch if you work, instead of eating out. Go see a High School play or concert. Or go hiking and on a picnic.
Sell some things you don't use or need. Consign your designer clothes and jewelry. Have a garage sale. Post large or valuable items on the internet. Return things with the tags still on that you haven't used.
5. For drastic measures (and to get out of debt faster) Cancel cable, shop around for cheaper insurance rates, cell phone plans, internet and trash removal. You could even cancel your landline phone and just use cell phones.